Monday, November 29, 2010

CREATE ~ Thanksgiving

So Thanksgiving was Awesome! My parents and sister came and we had a nice relaxing holiday just enjoying each other… and some good food!

I get very excited about these big holiday get-to-gethers….. especially when I get to host. It makes me want everything to be pretty. So I got a little crafty and came up with this for my table.

I thought it turned out really great!!

The runner was some upholstery fabric that I got at a thrift store 2 years ago. I loved it and finally found a good use for it!!

The napkins are hand stamped. When I went to New York, I found some hand carved Indian stamps that I have been itching to use.

I just used some fabric ink and stamped the edges of some napkins I got from TJ Maxx

Then I ironed over them, I read somewhere that helps to seal the ink so your dinner guests don’t end up with orange ink smeared all over their faces.

The end result were these!!

The centerpiece was a candle globe from my mantelpiece with corn husk garland around it.
I just bought some corn husks for tamales from the Hispanic section at wal-mart

I riped a husk into smaller strips and then folded them over like this

Then I found some wire Christmas ornament hangers and poked one through the pieces

Then you wrap the sides around to hold it in place

Now you are supposed to make a million of these and attach them to twine and hang them but me and my sis just decided to make a centerpiece out of them. So we got out the handy hot glue gun and went to work. It was simple but really pretty I thought.

Then I just brought out my everyday dishes, place cards I made for last thanksgiving, me and Melia added some finishing touches and voila!!

So this was my Thanksgiving creation!!! What have you created lately?


  1. OMG! Mark....IT'S GORGEOUS! I can't wait to make some of those napkins! That's an awesome homemade Christmas gift idea:)

  2. Thanks Friend!! and thats a great idea!!

  3. This looks great! Love the stamped napkins! I'm sure these personal touches made for a wonderful celebration!


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